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Evaluating your condition after a car accident

Experiencing a car accident can leave you shaken and dazed. Initially, you might feel okay physically, but your condition might gradually change in the days that follow.

Document how you feel in the weeks after your crash. Consistently evaluating your condition might help you identify concerning symptoms before a formerly unseen injury causes ongoing discomfort.

Aches and pains

Rarely will you experience a collision and not experience some degree of stiffness or soreness. However, pain that persists and worsens to the point it impairs your movement is something of concern. Severe head, neck and back pain, for example, could indicate whiplash. If left untreated, you could experience chronic implications.


Numbness or tingling in your extremities could mean you have sustained nerve damage. While perhaps nothing more than a strange sensation at first, nerve damage could greatly impair your ability to perform everyday tasks.

Personality changes

You will also want to watch for changes in your demeanor and personality. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, traumatic brain injuries can trigger anxiety, aggression and sadness. All of these could interfere with your personality and impact your response to the people and situations around you.

Despite the fact you might feel okay, seeking medical attention after a car accident can protect you from unseen injuries. Follow up with your physician to discuss your symptoms and make sure nothing concerning has happened since your last visit. Your diligence in evaluating your condition can help you overcome the side effects of your accident in a safe manner.