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Tips for sharing the roads with motorcyclists this spring

Spring is the time of year when many motorcyclists take their bikes out of storage and get ready for the new riding season. But motorcyclists aren’t the only ones who need to prepare. Other motorists, too, need to get ready to start sharing the roads with motorcycles again.

Unfortunately, there are numerous motorcycle accidents that occur every year in Oklahoma because of drivers who do not acknowledge motorcyclists’ right to be on the roads.

Motorcyclists are already at a disadvantage because of their lack of protection from the pavement and other vehicles, and when other drivers don’t watch or make room for motorcycles, the results can be catastrophic.

Do your part to help keep motorcyclists safe

Here are some important tips for drivers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that will help keep motorcyclists safe on the roads this riding season:

  • Always give motorcyclists the full lane width.
  • Remember that motorcycles have the same rights and privileges on the roadways.
  • Be especially cautious of motorcycles when making left turns.
  • Realize that it’s not easy to accurately gauge the speed and distance of a motorcycle.
  • Always use your signals when changing lanes or merging.
  • Check your blind spots for motorcycles before changing lanes and at intersections.
  • Be aware that a motorcyclist may inadvertently leave on a turn signal.
  • Keep in mind that poor road conditions are even more problematic for motorcyclists.
  • Always leave a following distance of three or four seconds when behind a motorcycle because they can stop faster than cars.

Our firm has represented numerous victims of motorcycle accidents and we know first-hand the devastation that these accidents cause. They are more likely than other types of motor vehicle accidents to result in brain injuries, broken bones, severe road rash and, sadly, death.

Let’s all do our part to reduce motorcycle accidents in Oklahoma this riding season.